Our Mission
To stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening and to restore, improve, and protect the quality of the environment through programs and actions in the fields of conservation, civic improvement, and education.
History of The Garden Club of St. Louis
The Garden Club of St. Louis was founded in 1916 and was admitted to the GCA in 1921. In recent years, our Club has contributed time, talent, and financial support to City Academy, EarthDance Farms, Rodes Park, Gateway Greening, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri Botanical Gardens, Magnificent Missouri, the Garden Conservancy, the Delmar Sunflower + Project, and Kennedy Park, among others. One of our most significant recent civic initiatives has been the Centennial Project, a dedicated garden at the newly redesigned Gateway National Park on the grounds of the Arch, where our Club Members donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars toward the transformation of the riverfront. In 2019, our club hosted other GCA clubs in our zone for a three day conference and flower show that showcased our city and provided education and connection to over 100 attendees. 2020 was the inaugural year of our new Green Grants program designed to support organizations in our community that share our mission and values. Our members share a special bond and engage in educational meetings, conferences, and field trips, and our Club continues to flourish and serve our community in a myriad of ways.